How did the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets come to be?
After a very drunk conversation at a Dune Rats gig. I woke up on the sunday morning after with an overly fragile head, fully clothed half-way to my sleeping patch. I remember checking my jacket pockets after a long and unsuccessful search for water and found a Little Wing business card inside. This triggered the ‘I hope I haven’t offended anyone’ phase of the morning, then a flourish of scrambled ideas that myself and now close friend J’aime had been firing back and forth came yo-yo-ing back to the old think tank. I shot off a message, we arranged to meet and after sharing a few tracks decided to have a jam. Parish and Danny came along and we got to work.
Who are the bands you all listen to or draw inspiration from?
Right now I’m listing to Hans Zimmer’s Interstellar soundtrack haha, Bangers! Myself and Parish are massive Tame Impala and Pond fans and our music collection is pretty much identical. He’ll show me Causa Sui and we’ll be buzzing then I’ll lay down some Dungen in return, he’ll raise me Floating Points and I’ll try and trump with some progressive Swedish Jimba-Jamba like Son-
son, that is the real shiz!. But genre wise it’s forever changing, Danny showed me Hiatus Kaiyote who are incredible and Ronaldo is stuck on Bryan Adams so we just let him colour in or give him some sweets when we talk about music.
You were passed on the almighty Southport Street shed from Alex Halsey in The Wheelers Of Oz (home to many legendary and historic congregations, also stage for King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard one year). How was living in your own bubble to write and record most of the material on the first album?
An incredible house, had some amazing times there. This is my cheese moment but I think that was the first time I’ve ever felt free in that barn. I gave up work, lived off my tax return for a couple of months and devoted everything to that album, every waking thought, cold shower, cup of tea and joint was spent religiously in one frame of mind. I rationed myself to analakshmi’s and subway, I used to watch munchies in some daring attempt to trick my mind into thinking it was at a 5 star restaurant haha, I loved it. I’d show Parish a track and he’d either be concerned for my mental health or get right into it with me, luckily he was jobless and equally as transient so we flew down the rabbit hole together.
You guys are hitting the road this week with the first tour coming up, does anyone in the gang have a fear of flying and has everyone packed their toothbrushes?
We’ve been focusing on getting a tidy set together mostly, teeth come last on this adventure i’m afraid. Bad breath is the sacrifice we’re willing to take for them tight tracks. I suppose there’s always an uneasy feeling when getting on a plane, i’m confident that the engineers who built the aircraft can keep it going but even so it’s just human to wonder when you’re thousands of feet in the air whether or not he took smoko when calculating the weight of the wings, how much pressure an engine can withstand or how many screws some bloke forgot to lock in place, lazy bastard.
Which bands are doing it good in Perth right now?
Dougal's Casino have mastered something special, they’re dynamics and balance of effects between all instruments is incredible to watch, they glide into rhythms and control the audience with this washy colourful palette of sounds that always seems to float where you want but without having a clue where it’s heading. Mad talent.
Sam Shields’s animation for Marmalade March seemed to go down a treat and explained the song well. What’s it like watching someone create their own artwork from yours through a visu-
al medium?
Yeah what a man! He well and truly nailed it. The whole style of animation and pace with how it flowed fit perfectly. I’d originally only seen his artwork and loved it but animation is a completely different box of frogs. Obviously I was stoked to see the collaboration become a success, he asked for full creative control and coming from a design background it’s the only way to go sometimes, there’s no clashes of opinions or half hearted concepts. It was great to see it all jigsaw into place and Sam gave the band a boost in the right direction. ledge.
What’s on the horizon in Crumpet world?
Tomorrows horizon is Melbourne! Never thought I’d be able to travel with music but the way things have been going it’s great to extend that boundary. Workers club on Thursday, Tote on Friday and then Old bar on Monday with some of Australias leading artists, it’s truly a dream to be saying all this. Our album ‘High Visceral part 1’ is set for release in January, The opportunity to play Southbound has arisen and another music video/single should be on its way very soon.
Lastly Jack, are you a Porn Crumpet?
Haha great question. To be honest I’ve never really thought about it but I feel obliged to say yes. In fact a strong yes, I feel the more this band defines itself and keeps creating in vibrantly incoherent ways I’m happy to wear that badge.
After a very drunk conversation at a Dune Rats gig. I woke up on the sunday morning after with an overly fragile head, fully clothed half-way to my sleeping patch. I remember checking my jacket pockets after a long and unsuccessful search for water and found a Little Wing business card inside. This triggered the ‘I hope I haven’t offended anyone’ phase of the morning, then a flourish of scrambled ideas that myself and now close friend J’aime had been firing back and forth came yo-yo-ing back to the old think tank. I shot off a message, we arranged to meet and after sharing a few tracks decided to have a jam. Parish and Danny came along and we got to work.
Who are the bands you all listen to or draw inspiration from?
Right now I’m listing to Hans Zimmer’s Interstellar soundtrack haha, Bangers! Myself and Parish are massive Tame Impala and Pond fans and our music collection is pretty much identical. He’ll show me Causa Sui and we’ll be buzzing then I’ll lay down some Dungen in return, he’ll raise me Floating Points and I’ll try and trump with some progressive Swedish Jimba-Jamba like Son-
son, that is the real shiz!. But genre wise it’s forever changing, Danny showed me Hiatus Kaiyote who are incredible and Ronaldo is stuck on Bryan Adams so we just let him colour in or give him some sweets when we talk about music.
You were passed on the almighty Southport Street shed from Alex Halsey in The Wheelers Of Oz (home to many legendary and historic congregations, also stage for King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard one year). How was living in your own bubble to write and record most of the material on the first album?
An incredible house, had some amazing times there. This is my cheese moment but I think that was the first time I’ve ever felt free in that barn. I gave up work, lived off my tax return for a couple of months and devoted everything to that album, every waking thought, cold shower, cup of tea and joint was spent religiously in one frame of mind. I rationed myself to analakshmi’s and subway, I used to watch munchies in some daring attempt to trick my mind into thinking it was at a 5 star restaurant haha, I loved it. I’d show Parish a track and he’d either be concerned for my mental health or get right into it with me, luckily he was jobless and equally as transient so we flew down the rabbit hole together.
You guys are hitting the road this week with the first tour coming up, does anyone in the gang have a fear of flying and has everyone packed their toothbrushes?
We’ve been focusing on getting a tidy set together mostly, teeth come last on this adventure i’m afraid. Bad breath is the sacrifice we’re willing to take for them tight tracks. I suppose there’s always an uneasy feeling when getting on a plane, i’m confident that the engineers who built the aircraft can keep it going but even so it’s just human to wonder when you’re thousands of feet in the air whether or not he took smoko when calculating the weight of the wings, how much pressure an engine can withstand or how many screws some bloke forgot to lock in place, lazy bastard.
Which bands are doing it good in Perth right now?
Dougal's Casino have mastered something special, they’re dynamics and balance of effects between all instruments is incredible to watch, they glide into rhythms and control the audience with this washy colourful palette of sounds that always seems to float where you want but without having a clue where it’s heading. Mad talent.
Sam Shields’s animation for Marmalade March seemed to go down a treat and explained the song well. What’s it like watching someone create their own artwork from yours through a visu-
al medium?
Yeah what a man! He well and truly nailed it. The whole style of animation and pace with how it flowed fit perfectly. I’d originally only seen his artwork and loved it but animation is a completely different box of frogs. Obviously I was stoked to see the collaboration become a success, he asked for full creative control and coming from a design background it’s the only way to go sometimes, there’s no clashes of opinions or half hearted concepts. It was great to see it all jigsaw into place and Sam gave the band a boost in the right direction. ledge.
What’s on the horizon in Crumpet world?
Tomorrows horizon is Melbourne! Never thought I’d be able to travel with music but the way things have been going it’s great to extend that boundary. Workers club on Thursday, Tote on Friday and then Old bar on Monday with some of Australias leading artists, it’s truly a dream to be saying all this. Our album ‘High Visceral part 1’ is set for release in January, The opportunity to play Southbound has arisen and another music video/single should be on its way very soon.
Lastly Jack, are you a Porn Crumpet?
Haha great question. To be honest I’ve never really thought about it but I feel obliged to say yes. In fact a strong yes, I feel the more this band defines itself and keeps creating in vibrantly incoherent ways I’m happy to wear that badge.