jarrad seng

How did you first get into photography?
The short version is that I bluffed my way into a music festival as an accredited photographer... and it all went downhill from there.
How did you find studying a creative subject in a university environment?
Well I actually studied Law for a year before realising that I never wanted a job where I'd need to know any of the tedious material I was reading about. I then switched to an Arts/Commerce degree at UWA which was fine... but it was really the work experience and other opportunities (writing for the student magazine, playing in bands) where I found my creative spark. And to date I haven't actually graduated yet, ten years and counting... one day!
The short version is that I bluffed my way into a music festival as an accredited photographer... and it all went downhill from there.
How did you find studying a creative subject in a university environment?
Well I actually studied Law for a year before realising that I never wanted a job where I'd need to know any of the tedious material I was reading about. I then switched to an Arts/Commerce degree at UWA which was fine... but it was really the work experience and other opportunities (writing for the student magazine, playing in bands) where I found my creative spark. And to date I haven't actually graduated yet, ten years and counting... one day!
Who's photography or artwork are you really excited about/inspired by at the moment?
Despite being a bit of a weirdo, Pippa McManus has always been a favourite of mine so I'm really excited that she's on board with the show. Sarah McCloskey is another eternal favourite, as is old mate Stormie Mills. Photography-wise, I'm really digging the work of Bella Kotak and Daniel Craig at the moment. When did the trademark dangling feet photo start? I guess it started in Iceland, sitting out on the edge of a cliff looking down over the Godafoss - Waterfall of the Gods. My travel buddy Tegan (of Voltaire Twins fame) was not so excited about the prospect of instant death but man, I hadn't felt alive like that in a while. Since then the feet have dangled off cliffsides, cranes, helicopters. I'm sure one of these days I'll inevitably fall off a cliff somewhere. But at least I'll get a cool photo out of it, right? |
You’ve been working away (interstate and overseas) quite a lot lately, any plans to leave little old Perth or do we have it good over here?
Nah, we've got it pretty good over here, honestly. Things are happening over West and it's exciting to be a part of the movement. I feel like there's almost too much going on in the eastern states, everything's been done already. In Perth we're only just getting started. Any advice for young artists? Collaborate with other artists. It's the best way to grow as an artist as well as be involved in the creative community. And support each other. We're all in this together. |